Our Services

Litigation Support

Personal Injury:

Raffa Consulting Economists (RCE) has had extensive experience over the past forty-two years evaluating economic losses in venues in more than fifteen states. Read More…

Wrongful Death:

Raffa Consulting Economists has been evaluating wrongful death claims for over forty years in circuit courts in more than a dozen states as well as Federal Court. Read More…

Employment Disputes:

Labor disputes can take on many forms, including matters of discrimination, unpaid over-time or other compensation, wrongful termination and constructive discharge. Read More…

Contract/Commercial Litigation:

Raffa Consulting Economists has a long history of providing litigation support and expert testimony in matters involving complex commercial damages. Read more…

Punitive Damages:

During trial proceedings that involve punitive damages, Raffa Consulting Economists has been retained to assist the trier of fact in understanding a Defendant’s ability to pay a punitive award. Read more…